Results of the 2021/22 winter season
Girona, April 27th 2022
The Girona Pyrenees’ ski and mountain resorts end the winter season with 889,618 users, improving on the 2019/20 season.
The region’s four alpine ski resorts and the Guils Fontanera Nordic ski resort closed the 2021/22 winter season with satisfactory visitor and skier numbers, reaching figures similar to those seen in the 2019/20 season.
Masella ski resort received more than 400,000 skiers during the 150 days it was open, making it the Catalan resort with the most uninterrupted days of activity during this past winter season (up to five months). The three mountain resorts owned by Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat, La Molina, Vall de Núria and Vallter, together received 476,965 visitors and enjoyed 144 days of activity. La Molina, with 319,103 users, grew 9% compared with the 2019/20 season; Vallter, with 82,085 users, recorded an increase of 27% over 2019/20; while Vall de Núria, with 75,777 users —18,249 of whom were skiers— saw a decrease of 24% in users as a result of the policy to restrict daily visitor numbers to Vall de Núria in order to preserve the natural environment and improve user experience during visits. Guils Fontanera ski resort received 12,653 users (counting ski and snowshoe passes).
Now that the ski season is over, Girona’s mountain resorts —Vall de Núria, La Molina and Vallter— offer a wide range of spring and summer activities suitable for all types of visitors.