The ports of Palamós and Roses close an excellent record-breaking cruise ship season, with 54 calls and over 51,000 passengers.
The ports of Palamós and Roses, members of the Costa Brava Cruise Ports brand, closed the 2018 cruise ship season with 54 calls and over 51,000 passengers. These figures represent an increase of 17% and 13% respectively in comparison with last year’s figures.
The estimated economic impact of cruise ship activity at the two Costa Brava ports was €3.8 million. This figure comes from a study on the sector which calculates that each passenger that disembarks spends an average of €62 and each crew member, €23. There is also the income from the cruise ships themselves in terms of port service fees to be considered, which amounts to €6 per passenger.
The leadership displayed by the port of Palamós, seconded by the port of Roses and the important role played by the tourist destination are key elements in cruise ship success on the Costa Brava. The activity helps de-seasonalise tourism to the province of Girona and boosts the region both socially and economically.