Water sports tourism promotion
Girona, February 18th 2022
The Costa Brava resumes international water sports competitions and projects itself as a sports tourism destination.
In 2022 the Costa Brava has started hosting top-level water sports competitions again with the 32nd Palamós Optimist Trophy-16 Nations Cup, held between 17 and 20 February. The regatta drew five-hundred and thirty-two participants from twenty-six countries. Spaniard Daniel García de la Casa (CN El Masnou) was named champion in the men’s category, while Italian Victoria Demurtas won the women’s category.
Coinciding with this sporting event, the Costa Brava Girona Tourist Board and five of the Costa Brava’s eighteen clubs and marinas presented the promotional video Sailing and water sports in the Costa Brava and the publication Vela i esports nàutics a la Costa Brava, designed to promote and position the Costa Brava brand and its water sports facilities and services among professionals and sailing enthusiasts.
Currently, the Costa Brava is placed as the ideal water sports and sports tourism destination for training and competition stays in the numerous sailing modalities and disciplines. Water sports activity in Girona’s coastal towns generates economic and social dynamism throughout the region, while also contributing to de-seasonalisation and promoting the Costa Brava. It is estimated that yachtsmen and women and competition participants spend around 100 euros per day during their stays. According to a study conducted by Club de Vela Palamós – Club Nàutic Costa Brava, the direct economic impact of participants in international sailing competitions and those accompanying them during their stay in Palamós is 1.3 million euros for activities organised directly by the club. Moreover, according to data from Club de Vela La Ballena Alegre, the estimated economic impact generated by the PWA and F18 international regattas in 2019 was 2.1 million euros.